Ep. 02: CHUCK - the save our show fan campaign for NBC's Chuck - OTB002

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NBC's CHUCK had its battles; man did it have its battles, but it also had its fans, and those fans drove an amazing Save Our Show fan campaign. So join your host Josh as he brings you some great moments and some original ideas around the CHUCK fan campaign, discussions of a possible #chuckmovie, and we finish up with some deep thoughts from Unpacking Chuck author G. Walter Bush.  

To reach out to the show: 

Thanks so much for listening, and go enjoy some great TV. 

EP. 01: SAVE THE SCC (#TSCC) - SAVE OUR SHOW FOR tERMINATOR: Sarah Connor Chronicles - otb001

Support the Show: https://www.patreon.com/joshuacliston

Welcome to the first episode of On The Bubble Podcast with your host @joshuacliston - in this episode Josh takes you through a quick profile of what he hopes the show will be, and also introduces our first look at a Save Our Show TV fan campaign - the campaign for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and the savethescc movement.  

To reach out to the show: 

To Subscribe, Rate and Review the show (which would be #tscc level awesome) go here: https://www.jcaldigital.org/otb