The Future IS Audio newsletter on LinkedIn:
TL;DR: I'm an Audio Podcast Super Fan and a Video Podcast Dabbler.
Today's Newsletter is purely anecdotal, and I'm not sure what it really means, but I feel like it means something. I asked myself what format of Podcasting (audio or video) has held my interest the longest and/or which format I burn out on the fastest, and I came to the following numbers.
Note: I'm most often Subscribed to 40-50 programs at a time in both Overcast (audio) and YouTube (video).
Format vs Fandom (the Questions):
How many audio Podcasts do I still listen to that I started Listening to 2 or more years ago? = 20-25 episodes per week (to completion of each episode).
How many YouTube Channels do I still consume (that don't also offer an audio version) that I started watching 2+ years ago? = 1 (Bandrew Scott's Podcastage main channel).
Video has been and continues to be a useful tool for finding and sampling new shows that I might like, and if I do like them and they do offer audio Subscription (some don't which PMTHO), I'll then move them over to my long-term consumption app, Overcast for iOS.
One last note, I still miss the shows that for whatever reason stopped producing their Audio Podcast ('Crash Course in Awesome' and 'CD Baby's DIY Musician Podcast'), yet I can't name a single YT Channel that has stopped making their show that makes me feel that way.
Email Josh your thoughts to or DM him on LinkedIn.
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