Less than 12 Lessons for Dealing with Despots (THANOS Got Voice) - [MA15+]

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The Problem: when a conquerer won't let you do your job.

The Solution: attend the Slung School of Schooling and work hard on lesson 616.

@joshuacliston on Twitter

@joshuacliston on Instagram

@joshuacliston on Facebook.


Make Your Zoom Room Swoon

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The Problem: Nose hairs and unread books.

The Solution: Back the H up, and Read the H pp.

Soc: @joshuacliston on Twitter@joshuacliston on Instagram@joshuacliston on Facebook.

Em: joshuacliston@gmail.com

#MFRAKOTW - Billy Ray and LaBeouf Doppelgangers Take Flight (with clippers in hand)

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The Problem: Iso-haircut pictures and Billy Ray Cyrus.

The Solution: Take a good hard look at yourself, and your kid’s head.

@joshuacliston on Twitter

@joshuacliston on Instagram

#MFRAKOTW - Your Family Pride is Spoiling My Drive!


The Problem: People gushing over Celebs that have taken regular jobs.

The Solution: Move on, there's nothing to see here.

@joshuacliston on Twitter,

@joshuacliston on Instagram

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#CFBS - Celebs with Regular Jobs - [ MA15+ ]


The Problem: People gushing over Celebs that have taken regular jobs.

The Solution: Move on, there's nothing to see here.

@joshuacliston on Twitter,

@joshuacliston on Instagram

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You're All Way Too High On Activewear. Where's The Ugg-Love?


The Problem: People are way too high on Activewear, and not high enough on Uggs.

The Solution: Don't do even try to do 'formal' with Activewear.

@joshuacliston on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

This podcast was produced, recorded and edited by Deadset Podcasting.

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